Saturday, August 31, 2019
Cjus 230 Final Paper
The Effects of Family Structure and Values on Juvenile Delinquency Christina M. Bracey 201240 Fall 2012 CJUS 230-B02 LUO Professor DeBoer Liberty University Online October 12, 2012 Abstract The changes in family values and structure in the United States has helped contribute to juvenile delinquency today. Society needs to recognize problems within the home before trying to find solutions to problems for todays at risk youth in America. Major structural changes inside of the home could adversely affect the raising of juveniles leading to delinquency.Some of the issues I will discuss in my paper are divorce, child abuse, mothers working outside of the home, and single-parent homes. Ineffectively raising a child can cause low self-control and low self-esteem while increasing the risks of delinquency as well. I will argue that with proper supervision, counseling, and monitoring of the behavior of the juvenile, it is possible that society can help eliminate some of the crimes committed by juvenile delinquents. Thesis The changes in family values and structure in the United States has helped contribute to juvenile delinquency today IntroductionFamily Structure has changed noticeably in the United States over the past several decades. It refers to various family characteristics that affect relationships and how families function. These characteristics include family size, family disruption, and birth order. High rates of divorce, single-parent housing, the spreading of non-parent families and step-families, and the propagation of cohabitation now delineate in American family life. Changes in family structure can be devastating to a childââ¬â¢s well-being, and have the potential to contribute to juvenile delinquency.The Family and Delinquency Widespread agreement among social scientists and the general public lead experts to believe that family plays a key role in child development and socialization. There are two sides however to families; the first being a place w here members love, care and provide for one another promoting healthy human growth. The second side reveals conflict, a lack of support, and violence. Families are extremely influenced by the political and economic context within which they operate (Elrod & Ryder, 1999, p. 53).A familyââ¬â¢s place within the political and economic structure is important because such placement determines the familyââ¬â¢s admittance to connections with other institutions. These institutions can consist of school, work, church and voluntary associations. Also, such institutions can be useful resources for the family and can promote access to other resources. The family not only determines the economic status within which the juveniles live, but is also the primary molder of a childââ¬â¢s personality, values, and behavior (Elrod & Ryder, 1999, p. 54).A variety of criminological theories assume that family plays a significant role in the prevention of delinquent behavior (Elrod & Ryder, 1999, p. 54). Family Size and Delinquency Larger families tend to produce more juvenile delinquents than smaller families. Being a middle child is also more predictive of delinquency than being either the youngest or eldest (Green & Gabbidon, 2009, p. 283). One common explanation for this issue is a straining of resources in larger families and the inability to provide appropriate parental supervision.Green & Gabbidon (2009) suggest that middle children are more likely to be present during the times of strain; older children leave the home first and younger children remain when there is not as much demand for parental resources (p. 283). Exposure to Violence, Abuse, or Neglect Most studies find links between exposure to violence or abuse and later possibly offending (Green & Gabbidon, 2009, p. 282). Exposure to marital violence during childhood has been notably associated with committing marital violence as an adult. An estimated 30% of abused parents abuse their childrenââ¬âa rate of 1 5 times higher than non-abused parentsâ⬠(Green & Gabbidon, 2009, p. 282). Women that were physically abused during childhood are more likely to experience domestic violence as adults. Abused mothers that did not abuse their children tend to have had a non-abusive adult in their childhood or had a stable relationship pattern as an adult. Children that were sexually abused are more likely to succumb to delinquency, suicidal ideation, and prostitution (Green & Gabbidon, 1999, p. 82). Exposure to Poverty Poverty has been linked to crime for many years. Approximately 18% of children under the age of 18 live in poverty (Green & Gabbidon, 2009, p. 283). Juveniles that grow up poor have a number of negative life outcomes, including delinquency. The impact of socioeconomic status suggests that economic strain plays an important role likely because increased stress decreases effective parenting, a situation that leads to delinquency in children (Green & Gabbidon, 2009, p. 283). Impact o f Community on Juvenile DelinquencyResearch throughout neighborhoods has produced significant results on determining the impact of a community on juvenile (Green & Gabbidon, 2009, p. 283). Collective socialization has a beneficial impact on the rate of delinquency among these youth. An extensive study of African American families showed that children who lived in a community high in collective socialization were less likely to associate with delinquent peers even when controlling for other important factors (Green & Gabbidon, 2009, p. 283). Theoretical Reasoning to Understanding Delinquent BehaviorThere are many theories that focus on families being the central reasoning behind juvenile crimes. Generally, families are considered to be the primary factors in socialization. The impact of family in juvenile delinquency has been theorized and investigated for many decades being that crime commonly runs in families. Parental criminality is one of the most vigorous and most consistent con jectures of a child's delinquency (Greene ; Gabbidon, 2009, p. 281). Biological Theory ââ¬Å"The so-called traditional family, with a male breadwinner and a female who cares for the home, is a thing of the pastâ⬠(Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 94). This particular type of family structure can no longer be considered normal. Sex role changes have created a family in which the mother now plays a greater role in society and the economic process. The number of households that have children living with both parents has substantially declined. ââ¬Å"Early social science researchers asserted that the ââ¬Å"broken homeâ⬠was the single most important factor in understanding delinquencyâ⬠(Burfeind ; Bartusch, 2011, p. 185). Less than half of the children born today will live continuously with their mother and father throughout their childhood.A disturbed home environment is believed to have a significant impact on delinquency. Family is the contributing unit towards chi ldrenââ¬â¢s values and attitudes that mark the paths throughout their lives. According to Seigel, Welsh, and Senna (2003), children who have witnessed a family breakup are more likely to exhibit behavioral problems and hyperactivity than those of intact families (p. 196). Often times, family disruptions are correlated with hostility, conflict, and attachment. Children whose parents divorced are thought to have less supervision and a greater risk of falling for peer pressure.Past research examined the effect of family structure on delinquency by comparing single-father, single-mother, two-biological-parent families, and stepfamilies (Burfeind ; Bartusch, 2011, p. 185). The highest levels of delinquency were found in single-father families and the lowest levels being in two-biological-parent families, while single-mother families and stepfamilies were in the middle. ââ¬Å"The absence of a parent was associated with lower levels of involvement, supervision, monitoring, and closenes sâ⬠(Burfeind ; Bartusch, 2011, p. 185).Parental absence undermines direct and indirect control leading to higher levels of delinquency among youth living in single-parent families as compared to two-parent families. Not all marriages end and divorce; some continue to live in an atmosphere of conflict (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 198). This conflict is known as intrafamily conflict and it common in many American families today. Studies have shown that children growing up in dysfunctional homes and witness disorder or violence, later display behavioral problems and emotional issues (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 98). Pre-existing family problems can cause delinquency; however, it may also claim that children who act out put a sizable amount of stress on a family. Psychological Explanations ââ¬Å"Many scholars, policymakers, and laypersons have argued that there are individual differences in intelligence, personality, or other factors that not only separate delinquents f rom all other youths but that are, directly or indirectly, the causes of their delinquencyâ⬠(Shoemaker, 2010, p. 61).The earliest attempts in isolating the psychological or mental conditions of delinquent behavior, was the development of the concepts of moral insanity. It has been proposed that delinquents and criminals that were deficient in basic moral skills inherited this condition (Shoemaker, 2010, p. 61). According to psychologists, many delinquents have poor home lives, destructive relationships with friends, neighbors, teachers, and others in authoritative positions (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 83). The relationships that these youth have with these individuals symbolize a disturbed personality structure.A youthââ¬â¢s personality is defined by negative and antisocial behavior characteristics, and since delinquent behavior occurs in every race, ethnic group, and socioeconomic group, psychologists believe it is a function of emotional and mental disturbances. Man y delinquents do not demonstrate notable psychological issues; however enough do give clinicians a strong influence on delinquency theory (Siegel, Walsh ; Senna, 2010, p. 84). Psychology is a diversified and complex discipline in which more than one psychological perspective exists.The three prominent psychological perspectives on delinquency are psychodynamic, the behavioral, and the cognitive (Siegel, Walsh, ; Senna, 2010, p. 84). The psychodynamic theory suggests that law violations are a product of an abnormal personality that formed early on in life. This personality controls human behavior choices. ââ¬Å"The basis of the psychodynamic theory is the assumption that human behavior is controlled by unconscious mental processes developed early in childhoodâ⬠(Siegel, Walsh, ; Senna, 2010, p. 84). Behavioral psychologists believe that a personââ¬â¢s personality is learned through life experiences with others.Behavior is initially triggered by a stimulus or change in oneâ⠬â¢s environment. If a certain behavior is rewarded by positive reactions, that behavior will continue and eventually be learned. The cognitive theory allows psychologists to focus on mental processes and the way people mentally represent the world around them including how they solve issues (Siegel, Walsh, ; Senna, 2010, p. 84). During the decision making process people engage in a series of cognitive thoughts. First, they encipher information so that it can be interpreted. Then they search for a response and decide what the most appropriate action is to take.Finally, they act on the decision that they made (Siegel, Walsh, ; Senna, 2010, p. 89). It is suggested that using this approach, juveniles will be better conditioned to make appropriate judgments. Social Disorganization Delinquency that is primarily the result of a breakdown of institutional controls is known as social disorganization. ââ¬Å"The individuals who live in such situations are not necessarily themselves persona lly disoriented; instead, they are viewed as responding ââ¬Å"naturallyâ⬠to disorganized environmental conditionsâ⬠(Shoemaker, 2010, p. 101).Social disorganization is associated with a lengthy list of collateral social problems, residential instability, ethnic/racial conflict, and family disruption (Siegel, Walsh, ; Senna, 2010, p. 110). Social Control Theories attempt to find factors that contribute to an individual becoming deviant. Hirschiââ¬â¢s Theory states, ââ¬Å"Delinquent acts result when an individualââ¬â¢s bond to society is weakened or brokenâ⬠(Whitehead ; Lab, 1999, p. 93). An underlying presumption is that behavior is controlled by the connections a person has to the conventional social order.Deviance is exposed when the level of control over an individual diminishes to where that person is free to choose prohibited activities. Hirschi explains four outlines of bonds: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief (Whitehead ; Lab, 1999, p. 94 ). A bond is fundamentally a result of socialization that takes place during childhood. The first bond, attachment, is the failure to care about what others think about the individualââ¬â¢s behavior and views. The second bond, commitment, demonstrates the individualââ¬â¢s ability to work towards acceptable goals.The third bond, involvement, uses the individualââ¬â¢s energy and time in socially acceptable behaviors. The fourth bond, belief, opens doors for the individual for deviant and delinquent behavior. Later in Hirschiââ¬â¢s career, he proposed that single parenting may be just as effective as dual parenting (Leiber, Mack, ; Featherstone, 2008, p. 4). Hirschiââ¬â¢s Theory tried to explain why an individual is deviant and how they became the way they are. Poor socialization is the easiest explanation; however, the theory fails to prove how this happens. The relative impact of the four elements of bond is left unexplained.Drift Theory Episodic Deviance is another ar ea of concern. Youths tend to sway between delinquent and conventional behavior. Using the control theory, this drift between the two cannot be explained when an individual chooses to commit a deviance. Such drifts can only be explained by suggesting that the bond is strengthened and weakened easily and more often than none. According to Whitehead ; Lab, 1999, ââ¬Å"A final concern is that the theory assumes all bonding is to conventional, nondeviant lifestylesâ⬠(p. 95). It is possible that the juvenile is being raised in a household with parents that are deviant.The theory suggests that a juvenile in such circumstances will be bonded to deviance. Labeling Theory The Labeling Theory is the view that formal and informal reactions to delinquency can influence the attitudes and behavior of delinquents (Shoemaker, 2010, p. 259). Frank Tannenbaum introduced ââ¬Å"dramatization of evil,â⬠in which he suggested that officially labeling someone as a delinquent can result in the person becoming the very thing that they are labeled (Shoemaker, 2010, p. 259). A basic presumption regarding the labeling theory is that initial acts of delinquency are caused by a wide variety of factors.The primary factor in the recurrence of delinquency is the fact of having been formally labeled as a delinquent (Shoemaker. 2010, p. 260). Reiterated acts of delinquency are influenced by formal labels because they eventually alter a personââ¬â¢s self-image to where the person begins to identify themselves as a delinquent and act accordingly. The view of labeling aspect is that a negative self-image follows the act of delinquency rather than preceding delinquency. The labeling approach is dependent on certain criteria in addition to the behavior itself.One does not have to be officially labeled a criminal or delinquent in order to label him/herself as such. Schools and Delinquency Another institution with has a profound impact on the lives of juveniles is school. School is an important institution because it provides juveniles with the academic skills to effectively participate in society (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 61). Other reasons that schools play such important roles in the lives of juveniles is it has become the primary socialization institution. It is there that children learn attitudes, values, and skills that are necessary for their future in economic and social life.Much of the interaction between parents and children revolves around school related issues (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 61). A number of factors can be related to school failure and delinquency. Studentsââ¬â¢ feelings of belonging, commitment, and attachment to school reveal these factors are related to school violence, vandalism, and delinquency (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 63). Studies have found that students that dislike their teachers are more likely to be involved in delinquency than those who feel an attachment to their teachers (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 63).Students that are less co mmitted to school and their teachers and who feel alienated are more likely to commit disruptive or delinquent behaviors in and out of school. Many students drop out of school and believe this is a solution to the problems they have faced in school. Dropping out of school has numerous negative consequences for the juvenile. They face less job prospects and many times experience difficulty meeting basic income needs to survive. Besides the economic effect of dropping out of school, there are also substantial psychological and social consequences (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 64).Usually, juveniles that drop out regret their decision and typically show evidence of not being satisfied with themselves and their environment. They also have lower occupational aspirations than those who graduate from school, and also have lower occupational aspirations for their children (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 64). ââ¬Å"Compared with students who stay in school, those who drop out tend to be from low socioe conomic status groups, to be members of minority groups, and to come from homes with fewer study aids and where there are fewer opportunities for non-school-related learningâ⬠(Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 4). Juveniles that drop out are also more likely to have come from single-parent households where the mother works, resulting in less parental supervision. Studies have uncovered that when juveniles drop out of school, their involvement in criminal activities tends to increase immediately (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 65). Race and Juvenile Delinquents According to Burfeind ; Bartusch (2011), ââ¬Å"The relationship between race and involvement in delinquency is not entirely straightforwardâ⬠(p. 81). Minorities are disproportionately represented in arrest statistics.African American juveniles are arrested for a disproportionate number of rapes, murders, robberies, and assaults, while white juveniles are disproportionately arrested for arsons (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 40). The racial gap in juvenile arrest rates has broadened during the past decade with African American youths experiencing a steady increase in arrest rates. ââ¬Å"African Americans have suffered through a long history of discrimination, which has produced last emotional scarsâ⬠(Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 42). Racism is an element of daily life in the African American community.This factor alone undermines faith in political and social institutions and weakens confidence in the justice system. These acquired attitudes are supported by evidence, that in some jurisdictions, young African American males are treated more harshly than members of any other ethnic group. Differences in racial crime rates may also be tied to frustration over perceived racism, discrimination, and economic disparity (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 42). Gender and Delinquency Official arrest statistics point to males being significantly more criminal than females.However, the arrests of female deli nquents in recent years have been increasing faster than those for males. ââ¬Å"Between 1990 and 2000, the number of arrests of male delinquents actually decreased by about 3 percent, whereas the number of female delinquents arrested increased about 25 percentâ⬠(Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 40). Age and Delinquency As juvenile offenders mature, their offending rates decline (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 43). Regardless of sex, race, social class, or intelligence, people commit less crime as they age.The aging-out process is referred to as spontaneous remission. According to this process, even the most continuing juvenile offenders will commit less crime as they age. There are a number of reasons as to why the aging-out process occurs. First of all growing older means that the offenders have to face the future. Secondly, with maturity comes the ability to resist the temptation to commit crimes as a quick fix solution. Some juveniles may turn to crime as a way to solve loneliness, problems with adolescence, frustration, and the fear of being rejected by peers (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 44).As the juvenile matures, more options become available to help solve these problems. Personalities can also change with age. Youth that were more rebellious as youngsters, may eventually develop increased self-control and be able to resist delinquent behaviors. Young adults become more aware of the risks and consequences that accompany crime. ââ¬Å"As adults, they are no longer protected by the kindly arms of the juvenile justice systemâ⬠(Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 44). Early Efforts at Diversion ââ¬Å"Efforts to divert children from normal criminal justice processing have a long historyâ⬠(Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 60). The development of routine diversion strategies and specialized diversion programs has significantly increased during the past twenty years. In order to regulate the number of diversionary responses available to communiti es, the commission proposed the establishment of youth services bureaus (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 161). The bureaus were intended to assist existing community agencies that dealt with juveniles in coordinating programs and services for both delinquent and non-delinquent youth (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 161).They were also intended to serve as an alternative to juvenile court processing, allowing hundreds of thousands of juveniles to be diverted from the formal juvenile justice process each year (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 161). The Effectiveness of Diversion Diversion Strategies and Programs uphold that such programs decrease the number of juveniles involved in the formal juvenile justice process (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 173). These programs are believed to reduce offending youths who receive diversionary treatment, minimize formal intervention, and are more cost-effective that formal processing (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 73). However, some evaluation studies have found that they fall short of their goals often. Some evaluation studies indicate that diversion programs can reduce recidivism or are at least as effective as formal processing (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 173). It is possible that diversion programs may deny juveniles due process. Diversion may be compulsive and consist of intrusive interventions, and possibly, the youthââ¬â¢s family may be required to participate. Coercion is problematic and all levels of the juvenile justice process (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 173).Research on diversion, in sum, has produced mixed results (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 174). ââ¬Å"There are a number of problems that have been associated with diversion programs, but despite these problems diversion appears to have some meritâ⬠(Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 174). Decriminalization Societal Reaction advocates point out that the criminalization of some behaviors often produces more harm than it does good. Behaviors such as running away and not attending school are objectionable in ma ny cases, but treating them as crimes does not always benefit the juvenile (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 65). Treating truants and runaways as juvenile offenders is expensive and ineffective. As a result, the societal reaction theorists leaned more towards the deinstitutionalization of status offenses (Elrod ; Ryder, 1999, p. 165). Prevention and Intervention With the important role familyââ¬â¢s play in the socialization of children, several programs have been implemented to prevent family contribution to delinquency or to intervene once a problem has been realized (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 42).Years of program evaluations have produced a number of effective family-based prevention programs such as parent training on appropriate and effective child-rearing (Siegel, Welsh, ; Senna, 2003, p. 42). Conclusion According to the research conducted, family impact is wrong: parental absence is not importantly related to juvenile delinquency. Family interactions have greater influence o n delinquency. Children reared by competent, affectionate parents who avoid using physical forms of punishment are unlikely to commit serious crimes either as juveniles or as adults.On the other hand, children reared by parents who neglect or reject them are likely to be greatly influenced by their community environments, which may offer opportunities and encouragement for criminal behavior. Bibliography Shoemaker, Donald J. (2010). Theories of Delinquency: An Examination of Explanations of Delinquent Behavior 6th Edition. Whitehead, John T. , ; Lab, Steven P. (1998). Juvenile Justice: An Introduction 3rd Edition. Seigel, Larry J. , Welsh, Brandon C. , ; Senna, Joseph J. (2002). Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Practice, and LawGreen, Helen Taylor, ; Gabbidon, Shaun L. (2009) Family and Delinquency: Encyclopedia of Race and Crime. Spohn, Ryan E. , ; Kurtz, Don L. (2011). Family Structure as a Social Context for Family Conflict: Unjust Strain and Serious Delinquency. Schroeder, Ryan D. , Osgood, Aurea K. , ; Oghia, Michael J. (2010). Family Transitions and Juvenile Justice. Elrod, Preston, ; Ryder, Scott A. (2005). Juvenile Justice: A Social, Historical, and Legal Perspective 2nd Edition. Burfiend, James W. , ; Bartusch, Dawn Jeglum. 2010). Juvenile Delinquency: An Integrated Approach, Second Edition Kierkus, Christopher A. , ; Baer, Douglas. (2003). Does the Relationship Between Family Structure and Delinquency Vary According to Circumstances? An Investigation of Interaction Effects 1. Canadian Journal if Criminology and Criminal Justice (405-429). Leiber, Michael J. , Mack, Kristin Y. , ; Featherstone, Richard A. (2008). Family Structure, Family Processes, Economics, and Delinquency: Similarities and Differences by Race and Ethnicity.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Creative writing – Birth
Steve sat next to Tim with a small, permanent grin on his face. His life was finally back on track. Three months and he had managed to stay clean. It was a real achievement, something to be proud of. Not to mention the fact that he was waiting for his fiancà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½e to give birth to his first child. If he wasn't so thrilled with himself, Steven might have noticed that there had been no communication with any of his girlfriend's doctors of midwives for at least two hours. It wasn't something you paid attention to when you were glowing with joy at your own accomplishments. Steve and Katie's friend Tim, however, was not drunk on his own pride. He had noticed that the sun was rapidly setting, and the new addition to the Davies family hadn't yet made their grand-entrance to the world. The pair were not left on their own for much longer, however. A solemn-looking doctor flung the swinging doors at the other end of the corridor open infront of him and, in giant strides, approached the pair hurriedly. He was clutching a brown clipboard in his hand, his knuckles white and his brow furrowed. ââ¬Å"Mr. Davies?â⬠The doctor stopped infront of Steve and took a step back, inviting him to stand. ââ¬Å"Yes,â⬠admitted Steve with a smile, ââ¬Å"what's the news?â⬠The doctor clenched his jaw and wiped the back of his hand across his forehead. ââ¬Å"I'm afraid it's not good.â⬠At this point Tim's eyes widened. The grin hadn't left Steven's face yet, and he stood with one hand on his hip. Met with a wall of silence the doctor, though unnerved, carried on with his explanation. ââ¬Å"I'm afraid your partner has abnormally high blood pressure and, at this moment, we cannot assure her or your child's lives.â⬠Steven's face fell slowly, and he slumped back into his seat, burying his head in his hands. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry,â⬠garbled the doctor, ââ¬Å"you will be informed of any developmentsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ He turned on his heel and briskly strode for the double-doors. Tim stood up and put a hand on his best friend's shoulder reassuringly. ââ¬Å"Don't worry, Steveâ⬠¦ They always say that. Get you expecting the worse, y'know? Katie and the baby will be just fine, trust me.â⬠He looked down at his friend's head. His dark hair had matted as a result of Steve's nervous sweating. ââ¬Å"Lookâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ began Tim, scratching the back of his neck uneasily, ââ¬Å"I'll go and get us both a coffee. I'll get you a magazine, if you like?â⬠He bent to Steve's level. ââ¬Å"Mmm, sure.â⬠Came the husky reply. ââ¬Å"Okayâ⬠¦ I'll be back in five minutes. Chin up, Steven.â⬠Tim flashed a weak grin as he too disappeared through the double doors. It took Steve twenty seconds to work out what he was going to do. His coat wrapped around him, collar covering up most of his face, Steve stalked along a dark road on a familiar course. In the cold night air his tears froze on his face. He had counted how many alleys he has passed. He pivoted on his heel at the entrance to the sixth. Stopping for a second, he nodded slowly to himself and pressed on. Tim McKee finally returned with two steaming decaf coffees in hand. He didn't think much of Steven's absence, assuming he had left to use the bathroom or in pursuit of food. He began to sip one cup while, non-blinking, watched steam rise from the other. Steven James Davies stood in front of the dark, derelict house. That is, if you could call it a house. It served its owner, Tom Campbell, as an office of sorts. Despite losing one of his favourite customers a few months earlier, there was no shortage of junkies to help Campbell pay the bills. Steven had been so happy when he realised he no longer needed Thomas Campbell and the substance he sold. But now there was nothing to be happy about. There was no reason for him to be alive anyway; Katie was the only reason he hadn't taken his life a year before, and now she had gone. Together they were going to raise their baby, together they were going to help people like Steven when they had no one left to turn to. He couldn't take the pressure. Leaning heavily against a damp alleyway wall, Steve began to cry. He had been there for ten minutes, shaking with sorrow. He had made up his mind though. He wasn't going to go back to the way things were. He was going to make Katie proud of him; he was going to be strong. Just as he turned away, Thomas Campbell flung open the door of his ââ¬Ëhouse' and beckoned Steve inside with a sickening smile. Tim was starting to get worried. It had been almost an hour now. Sure, his friend was famed for his huge appetite, but surely he wouldn't be able to eat that much at a time like this. Suddenly it dawned on him. He was at Thomas's. He stood up quickly, knocking the stone cold cup of coffee all over the floor. As he strode towards the doors the doctor appeared once again. ââ¬Å"Are you with the Davies's?â⬠The doctor was wearing a grin not unlike the one that had been wiped off Steven's face hours before. Tim nodded, and the doctor couldn't hide his happiness any longer. ââ¬Å"They're going to be fine,â⬠he smiled, ââ¬Å"Katie's blood pressure is back down and her waters just broke. She's fineâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The doctor looked slightly perplexed as McKee pushed through the doors, rounded a corner and began to sprint towards the exit of the hospital. He had to find Steve. He stumbled out of Thomas Campbell's house just ten minutes after entering it. It hadn't changed a bit in those three short months. There was still a ââ¬Ëwaiting room'. The smoke from cigarettes hung low in the air, and people that looked without souls stared blankly at the walls or floor. The stained wallpaper curled at the ceiling, exposing the plaster underneath. There was still the muffled sound of coughing and the awful smell. Urine, sick, the smell of rotting foodâ⬠¦ It was all encapsulated in the nauseating thick air of Thomas Campbell's home. Tom had assured Steven that he was expecting him. He told him that he was weak, and that they all come back. Steve had put up with the sneering, paid and had left. He was now stumbling back down the alley, grinning manically and zigzagging from wall to wall. He bent down and let out a series of jagged, croaking laughs before carrying on towards the main road. ââ¬Å"Watch where you're going!â⬠Steve had bumped into an elderly man. The citizens of Steve's town had seen anything. During his life the man had become cold and harsh, and was extremely opinionated. Instead of bending down to check if Steve, now lying on the floor in a foetal position, was breathing or conscious, the man spat on him. ââ¬Å"Damn druggiesâ⬠¦ You should all go to hell, you know that?â⬠He carried on muttering to himself as he sauntered down the road. Tim was also muttering under his breath. He couldn't believe he had left Steve on his own. He was so irresponsible. It was entirely his fault. ââ¬Å"Steve!â⬠He called into the dark, turning down streets he didn't know in the hope of finding his friend. ââ¬Å"Steven!â⬠He didn't know where he was. He had no clue where to find Steve. He had to keep searching. After a problem-free labour, Katie Winters had given birth to a healthy baby boy. ââ¬Å"Can you send my fiancà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ through, please?â⬠It felt as though he had searched down every street in the city. Panting, Tim leant against a car to try and catch his breath. It was then he saw him. ââ¬Å"STEVEN!â⬠He called, running towards the shadowy figure that was crouching on the other side of the road. ââ¬Å"Steven! You idiot! Katie's fine! She was going in to labour when I left!â⬠Steve struggled to his feet. He could just make out what Tim was saying. He broke from his stupor and began to amble across the road towards his friend. He reached halfway before there was a flash of white light. A speeding car had just turned down the quiet street. Steve turned towards it and froze. There was a screech of brakes and then nothing. He was thrown into the air and rolled off the bonnet of the car, which sped away as quickly as it had come. Tim rushed to the middle of the road and knelt by his Steven's side. ââ¬Å"Somebody called an ambulance!â⬠He screamed, though he couldn't hear himself. Steve reached out for Tim's gloved hand and squeezed it. The faint call of ambulance sirens rang out through the night. Steven looked up at Tim, smiled, and fell back to the ground.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
American Colege of Rheumatology Management
Old age is a phase in life that is quite sensitive; elderly people require comfort and care to enable them lead healthy lives without the unnecessary anxiety and worries. (AgeUK, 2015). Old age, adulthood, adolescence, childhood, and birth are the critical stages in every person's life. Each stage is characterized by its own challenges and issues. As one proceeds from one stage to another, it reaches a point when physical strength deteriorates and so too the mental stability (Bragen, 2013). As age progresses, several medical issues occur the most common being osteoarthritis, dementia, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, visual impairment, kidney infections, and other geriatric medical conditions. Besides disease, other issues are interlinked with old age. A major concern among the elderly is loneliness and depression. As one ages, the relationships that one had begin to sever; children grow up and move out, souses die, friends and family move away and soon an elderly person finds that they are all alone. Depression begins to manifest even as the elderly person starts to visualize a different life from what they have been accustomed too (Mental Health America, 2017). In this paper, the patient, Barbara Green is an 89 year old widow who has reported at the health center with multiple complaints.à The patient complains of swollen feet and enlarged joints; painful joint pains in the knees, fingers, hip, and back; joint stiffness, minimal joint movement; visual impairment; constipation; weight loss; and dizziness that occur on and off (Levett-Jones, 2013). The decrease in physical functionality has caused her to cut off socializing with her friends at the German Association, her eating habits have deteriorated; and her house keeping has reduced causing her to live in poor condition. The physical conditions that the patient in this case has complained about and which are geriatric in nature include constipation, the visual impairment, and stiff painful joint à (Siamak, 2016, Levett-Jones, 2013). The risk factors associated with constipation include use of multiple pharmacological drugs, poor diet that is deficient in roughage and fluids; and reduced amount of physical activity (Hunter, 2016). In addition, the fact that Barbara has a visual impairment renders her at risk of physical injury. The visual impairment is most likely caused by macular degeneration (WebMd, 2016) a condition that is common among the elderly and also among the Caucasian community (Haddrill, 2016). In addition, reduced amount of activity as well as poor eating habits have been known to exacerbate the condition among the elderly (WebMd, 2016). In this scenario, the three major illnesses that will be addressed are Osteoarthritis/Rheumatoid arthritis, Constipation, and Macular degeneration. Although Barbara is currently living a solitude life, the underlying reason behind it is not depression, rather it is as a result of reduced activity resulting from joint pain (Hunter, 2016). The inactivity has resulted in the patient developing constipation (also caused by her prescribed medication) and exacerbated macular degeneration (also caused by age) (Hunter , 2016). Based on the presentation of facts and by utilizing clinical reasoning, the optimal patient outcomes will be achieved when Barbara is able to manage her pain à (Bullock, & Hales 2013) which will in turn help her achieve her ADLs, eat healthier, become more active, and resume her normal life and restore severed relations with her German Association friends as well as her family. Eating healthier will reduce incidences of constipation andà will slow down macular deg eneration. To manage her pain, Barbara will need to adhere to her medication regimen. Barbara reported that she lives alone in a one-storey building. She said that she experiences joint pain especially on the hip and knees which could result in limited movement. Although she did not mention it, it is probable that her housekeeping as well as other ADLs is below par because of the physical pain in her joints. It is also possible that she has resulted in eating poorly because of her inability to make healthier food purchases at the grocery due to her reduced mobility caused by her painful joints. Other than not being able to go to the grocery, her weight loss could be attributed to depression as she reported that she no longer visits with her friends at the German Association and that she is widowed. Visual impairment is caused by macular degeneration in older patients. Macular degeneration occurs when the retinal macular wears out from ageing which causes one to lose central vision (WebMd, 2016). However, a patient is able to see using the peripheral vision. Macular degeneration can either be dry or wet with the most common being the dry macular degeneration among the elderly. (WebMd, 2016) Constipation is a common occurrence among the elderly. There is a distinction between hospital environment constipation and that which is influenced by other external environments. The occurrence of constipation among the elderly increases with age, the older one gets the more incidences one experiences (Gandell, Straus, & Bundookwala et al., 2013). In addition, constipation can be as a result of drug interactions in the body (Hunter, 2016). Barbra is currently prescribed on slow release Paracetamol which causes slow bowel movement. Another common medical condition among the elderly is Rheumatoid arthritis and/or osteoarthritis (Hunter, 2016). The medical condition is as a result of bone cartilage wearing out with age which causes joints to rub off against each other. The friction between the joints causes stiffness, mild to acute pain, as well as development of swollen nodes (Udell, 2017). Assessment of the patient showed blurred vision and a centralized blind spot in the visual filed. In addition, Hydroxychloroquine can also cause impaired vision ((Tiziani, 2014). The patient has visual impairment and is at risk of injury from poor vision. The patient may also experience challenges in her ADLs because of minimal vision. To manage the condition, the patient will be advised to wear sunglasses and avoid direct light or sunlight once she has undergone photodynamic therapy (Arnold J, Heriot W , 2007; WebMd, 2016). The patient will be required to give details on the time of day and frequency of constipation. Symptoms to look out for include confusion, diarrhea, nausea, urinary retention, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain (Mandal, 2016). The patient is already on multiple drugs which predisposes her to constipation.(Hunter, 2016). The limited physical activity that is caused by her painful joints is another risk factor that contributes to the patient's constipated condition. The patient will be advised on increasing her fluid and roughage intake (Orenstein, 2016). In addition, she will be advised to adhere to her pain management medication for her joint aches. Once she is able to manage her joint pain, the patient will be able to increase her physical activity which will help ease the constipation that she is experiencing. Assessment of the patient shows joint swelling and deformity with Heberden and Bouchad nodes in the distal and proximal joints respectively. The pain in the joints intensifies with physical activity such as walking, exercising or basic ADLs. Patient also indicated that the pain intensifies during the night when the room temperatures are low, and upon getting up after sitting or lying down. The diagnosis is chronic pain that results from joint deterioration. Evaluation using x-rays shows joint narrowing and sclerosis in the knee, hip, and finger joints. The synovial fluid analysis showed the occurrence of both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis in the affected joints. The patient will be advised to manage the pain through strict adherence to medication. She will also be advised to avoid strenuous activities that can trigger painful joint episodes. Heat application will be done on the affected joints. A terry clothe will be placed under the patient's neck to relieve any pain on the cervical area as she sleeps. Simple exercises will be taught to the patient that will help reduce joint stiffness. The patient will also be advised to wear foot pain relieving shoes and support. In addition, calcium supplements will be included in her medication. The four main goals that need to be met with regard to taking care of Barbara include: The first issue that needs to be resolved is medication non-adherence. The first step is o have a conversation with the patient and educate her on the need to stick to her medication regimen, the health benefits she stands to gain from her medications, any side effects she should be on the look-out for, and how to use a medicine chart (Jimy, & Jose, 2011). Barbara's medication will be packaged in different colored bottles and placed in easy to reach areas. This will allow Barbra to be engaged in her own therapy. As she is suffering from visual impairment, placing the medications in places she uses often will help her in adherence. For the drugs that are to be taken before she sleeps, the bottles will be placed on her nightstand. Those that need to be taken in the morning will be placed in the toothbrush stand and those that need to be taken during or after meals will be placed on top of her refrigerator. A medication chart will also be created to enable the patient take her medicines at the right time (Jimmy et al., 2011) Tracy will be informed on the action plan so that she is able to discuss with Barbara about her daily goals when she calls her. Barbara will be required to purchase a water bottle and advised to fill it with water which she will be expected to drink during the course of the day. A meal plan will be drafted by the healthcare nutritionist to help Barbra make healthier meal choices and also enable her regain her weight. After three weeks: Barbara has gained weight of 1-2kgs The patient has rejoined her friends in the regular meetings at the German association As people become older, I not excluded, the things that we value become lesser and we are left with that which is most precious. The key is to expand our horizons, value more relationships, and more variety in what makes our lives rosier. When a person spends his early years establishing and strengthening many good relationships, it pays off in the sunset years as such a person will always have people around them to laugh, share, and confide in. In addition to people investment, health investment is critical. I have resolved to live healthier now so that I do not have to struggle with some of the geriatric conditions n the future. For the overall wellness and enhanced productivity, Barbra's care will include taking care of her physical needs through pain management and medication adherence; healthier eating and consumption of daily fluids; and regular mild exercises. For her socio-psychological health, Barbra will be able to socialize with her friends and family and get out more as she makes visits to the grocery store. Health eating and exercising will improve her mental health and decrease chances of depression occurring AgeUK. (2015). Protecting yourself and others from abuse. Retrieved 03 09, 2017, from Bragen, J. (2013). The Berkley Daily Planet. Retrieved 03 09, 2017, from Bullock, S & Hales, M. (2013). Principles of Pathophysiology. NSW: Pearson Australia. Gandell, D; Straus, S; & Bundookwala et al., (2013). Treatment of constipation in older people. CMAJ , 663-670. Haddrill, M. (2016). What Is Age-Related Macular Degeneration? Retrieved 04 09, 2017, from All About Vision: Hunter, S. (2016). Miller's Nursing for wellness in older adults. North Ryde: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins. Jimmy, B & Jose, J. (2011). Patient Medication Adherance: Measures in Daily Practice. Oman Medical Journal , 155-159. Levett-Jones. (2013). Clinical reasoning: Learning to think like a nurse. NSW: Pearson. Mandal, A. (2016). Constipation in the Elderly. Retrieved 04 09, 2017, from News Medical : Mental Health America (2017). Depression In Older Adults: More Facts. Retrieved 04 09, 2017, from Mental Health America: Orenstein, B. (2016). How Fiber Helps Ease Constipation. Retrieved 04 09, 2017, from Everyday Siamak, N. (2016). Senior Health. Retrieved 04 09, 2017, from eMedicine: Tiziani, A. (2014). Havard Nursing Guide to Drugs. (9th ed.). Chatswood.NSW; Mosby Elsevier. Udell, J. (2017). Osteoarthritis. Retrieved 04 09, 2017, from American Colege of Rheumatology: WebMd. (2016). Age-Related Macular Degeneration Overview. Retrieved 04 09, 2017, from WebMd:
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The impact of implementation of IFRS on UK companies. a case study of Dissertation
The impact of implementation of IFRS on UK companies. a case study of M&S - Dissertation Example The published papers with reference to the implementation by the accounting bodies, institutions and the journals have been analyzed for this purpose. In addition to the company specific impact of implementation of IFRS, the effect of changes in the accounting policies has also been analyzed generally in a comprehensive manner. Adoption of the fair value model of accounting as against the established traditional accounting practices based on the historic cost method would be counterproductive especially in the case of intangible or financial assets with huge fluctuations in valuations on day to day basis. It is concluded that as the implementation of IFRS results into inflation of profits, the predominant causes of such overstatement shall be dealt with to avoid its negative effects on the corporate governance through national debate. Contents Page Introduction Research Aim Research Objectives Terms of Reference Background Literature Review Benefits of harmonisation or Reasons underl ying the adoption of IFRS in the UK and Europe Implications for UK Companies adopting IFRS The first time adoption of IFRS Research Methodology Analysis, Discussion and Findings Disclosure under IFRS Fair valuation Conclusions/Recommendations References Appendices Introduction International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has issued International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) of the IASB has issued interpretations for this purpose. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) are considered a ââ¬Ëprinciples-basedââ¬â¢ set of standards establishing broad based rules rather than dictating specific treatments. All major countries have been moving towards IFRS regime and the implementations in different countries are at different stages. Many national and international institutions require public companies listed in the stock exchanges, banks and insurance companies to adopt IFRS for statu tory reports. In the near future, most of the companies and their subsidiaries worldwide are expected to be covered under IFRS. Apart from the listing requirements or statutory reporting, financial institutions lending to these companies, government bodies and national and international corporations stipulate compliance with IFRS to fulfill their obligations in respect of financial reporting for the purpose of approvals or licensing. Ian D Wright, Chairman of Financial Reporting Committee of the Institute of the Chartered Accounts of England and Wales said in 2002: "The Institute has supported the European Commission through a lengthy political process to see this Regulation come into effect because we believe passionately in the benefits to business of truly international accounting standards." (ICAEW, 2011) Convergence in financial reporting hinges on the consistency between the country accounting standards and IAS. In March 2004, the ASB issued a ââ¬ËStrategy for Convergence o f UK GAAP with IASââ¬â¢. (CIMA, 2006) It is in this backdrop, the paper seeks to study and analyze the issues related to the impact of implementation of IFRS on UK companies and with reference to M&S in respect of the following: Research Questions 1. What are the impacts of implementation of IFRS generally and on statement of profits? 2. What are the impacts of the disclosure under IFRS? 3. What is the impact of adoption of value model as against the historic cost model in the implementation of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Financial Management during Economic Downturn Essay
Financial Management during Economic Downturn - Essay Example However, during the period of economic downturn or recession, this task is little more difficult as financial decisions are not likely work out as planned by a financial manager. Planning is relatively a simple task as it basically needs only past data with information on how to relate them to future conditions. But, when it comes to realise that financial outcomes do not come out as planned, the firm's financial position gets affected adversely and eventually its existence. Keeping this in view the present paper attempts to discuss the problems that are faced by a financial manger during the period of economic downturn. The paper does not discuss the issue from the view point of any particular firm. Instead it presents the issue from a macroeconomic point of view taking all types of firms. Economic downturn or recession is an economic situation wherein the general economic activities experience a slow down. When the general economic activities of a country get affected by a recession, the country's economic progress and growth will surely be affected leading to low GDP; spending; employment opportunities; capacity utilisation; and individual and household income (Roland 2007). In fact, these variables are necessary to the economic progress and prosperity of a country and its business activities. In short, economic slowdown affects the business activities by low demand for goods and services, poor cash flow from customers and low lending by financial institutions in the economy. This will eventually result in unavailability of finance (log term and short term), less collection from debtors, unavailability of factors of production for enterprises in the economy (The United States Department of Labor 2006). These cause serious financial implications such as low profitabi lity and less growth to the shareholders, which threaten the smooth functioning of business operations. As a result, the individual financial manager should chalk out certain financial plans to revive his firm from economic slowdown. 3.0 Financial Manager's Role The financial manager's role is pivotal in a firm which runs through a tough economy leading to poor debt collection and credit availability. The responsibility of a financial manager in such a pathetic situation is to revive the firm to the earlier position. But it is a huge task and he needs to take and follow a proactive approach rather than reactive efforts. He should take initiatives right from financial planning and budgeting on the anticipation of economic slowdown at any time in future. Moreover, the plans and budgets are to be aligned to the actual happenings in such a way that there is no big gap between the two. The following sections will detail some of the important measures to be followed by a financial manager in times of general economic recession. 3.1 Cash flow Projections Liquid cash is an essential element for the smooth flow of routine business activities. Cash is needed for a number of activities right from purchasing stationery to payment of dividend to shareholders. Unless the firm has a level of cash enough to meet the daily needs, the business operations get affected and will adversely impact the flow of goods and services to the customers. This implies liquid cash is an essential asset, the absence of which will affect the normal operations and
Monday, August 26, 2019
Looking deeper into the educational success of Korea Essay
Looking deeper into the educational success of Korea - Essay Example Learning has always been valued through the ages. Even from the start of documented history, learning has been shown to be a part of the peopleââ¬â¢s way of life. There are several means of learning which have been established and improved through the years For instance, it is evident that during the early years, education often started from the family wherein both parents stood as the teachers. Children were often taught about ethical values and skills to help them survive when they need to be independent. As the years passed and many intriguing things about the world challenged people to learn more about their environment, a more adequate design of learning were created. People sought tutors who were thinkers or philosophers, often on a one on one basis. This allowed only a few to avail of such prestigious privileges, often by the rich who were able to pay the fees and allow their children to indulge and concentrate in educating themselves instead of helping with the household c hores or other immediately profitable activities. Eventually, as the value of education was recognized by the common people, education evolved to cater to more students in one setting, making learning more affordable. Today, learning is like an ordinary thing. Sometimes, children do not seem to understand the value of education anymore. They tend to go to school with the idea that it is a common practice and they would become a byword if they do not do as other children do. Learning has become available to everyone and become a common thing to most Americans that its importance seems to have been diminished. However, in places where learning is still considered a precious commodity, children seem to understand the reason for their education more than others do so that learning becomes a challenge to them a means to better their lives, making them more focused and purposeful in going to school. Consequently, they show better performances than other children. In an article written by Nicholas Kristof entitled Chinaââ¬â¢s Winning Schools? (, the author acknowledges the Confucian influence to have played a great role in making China take the top place of best performing students in math, science and reading among sixty five countries. Jeong Kyu-Lee seems to agree with the writer. One of the Confucian thoughts the latter mentioned is its ideologies on leadership such as ââ¬Å"To govern is to correct. If you set an example by being correct, who would dare to remain incorrect?â⬠(Lee). This thought provokes more learning from the people. In a world where people all seem to be acting in correct manners so that they are succeeding and becoming famous, indeed, who would want to left behind and remain uneducated, ignorant and poor? Another ideal from the Confucian thought which made an impact in the lives of the Chinese and Koreans in relation to learning is ââ¬Å"If a man manages to make himself correct, what difficulty will there be for him to tak e part in government? If he cannot make himself correct, what business has he with making others correct?â⬠(Lee). With such a concept, people have come to understand that leadership is not just given to rich and powerful people. It is also available to poor people who are able to correct themselves. Of course, the means to such objective would be learning. This is perhaps one of the reasons why the Chinese who hold to Confucian disciplines value education so much so that they have topped other countries in the aforementioned studies. Discipline is one of the Confucian values that make Asians perform well. the quotations above show first and foremost the importance of a disciplined man. A man correcting himself shows that he is not just learned, informed or knowledgeable but he is able to apply the things he learns to himself first and to others, second. A man may be learned but it does not always guarantee him to be able to correct himself. It takes discipline for a man to do the right thing of examining
Economics 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Economics 2 - Essay Example The stark contrasts in these unemployment figures reveal causative features in these two diverse European economies. The UK has a rich tradition of work culture resulting in high economic activities and thereby yielding low unemployment figures. The activities comprising employment turnover in UK is generally well coordinated ensuring better chances of employment for the unemployed while moving from one job to another in short period of time within the financial year. The job market is upbeat with healthy prospects for part time and contract employments. The availability of employment, however, does not per se serve as criteria for better quality economy. The parameters for economic excellence extend beyond the precincts of the employment factor. Advancing technologies, changing business practices, communication and information systems, globalization, etc. require adequate qualified and trained manpower. The lack of adequate education and training among significant number of job seekers in UK to meet the growing demands of the industries is the mitigating factor in UK's economy. This factor is problematic for employers on the lookout for candidates possessing the right educational qualification and skills. Nonetheless, organizations such as Learning and Skills Councils (LSCs) have taken up the responsibility of providing ways and means for continually educating young adults over 16 years of age and also providing them with job-specific training. One of the major causes for unemployment in the UK can be attributed to the insufficient availability of prospective candidates possessing the right educational qualifications and skills. Other reasons may comprise job seekers' lack of motivation or disproportionate expectations. Still, other factors may relate to the job market situation of the day necessitating lay off, etc. Also, changing or leaving jobs for better prospects could leave some people without employment for some time. Advancing technologies is another reason for unemployment. Technologies and communication systems are changing the way we work the world over. Job competition in such situation causes employers to seek out hard working, efficient candidates for various posts leaving less efficient or motivated individuals jobless. (Tim Miller) Unemployment in Italy The unemployment scenario in Italy is spread unevenly along the lines of region, gender and age. Unemployment among the female workforce is approximately 14.4%. It is 8% for the male working population. Given the fact that Italy espouses conservative social values, many female young adults choose to stay home if safe and secure jobs are not available. Unemployment among
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Character Analysis and pick one of those .William Faulkner, A Rose for Essay
Character Analysis and pick one of those .William Faulkner, A Rose for Emily, and Andre Dubus, Killings - Essay Example Emily has killed Homer because society killed her independence and happiness first due to social class and gender norms. In the beginning, the story presents Emily with both admiration and criticism because of her class status. Emily belongs to a family of an upper-class family that is respected in the community. When she died, the narrator states that she has gone to where her social class went to, along with ââ¬Å"representatives of those august namesâ⬠(Faulkner par.2). She is a Grierson, one of the most respected names in town. The tone of the story mixes respect and ridicule, however. The narrator describes the house as he would the Griersons: ââ¬Å"...only Miss Emilys house was left, lifting its stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumpsââ¬âan eyesore among eyesoresâ⬠(Faulkner par.2). The tone challenges the Griersons for remaining superior when they have lost their wealth and influence already. As the story progresses, Emily opens up to the community a little, which the people respect because they feel sympathy for her after her domineering father died and because she is a old, single woman. The narrator judges the Griersons as too proud of themselves. He uses the words ââ¬Å"high and mighty Griersonsâ⬠in contrast to the ââ¬Å"gross, teeming worldâ⬠because of the smell coming from Emilyââ¬â¢s house (Faulkner par. 16). It shows how social class affects the social circle of Emily. At the same time, gender is also an issue for Emily. Her father controlled her life when he was alive. The narrator suggests this when he says: ââ¬Å"None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and suchâ⬠(Faulkner par. 25). Gender values that expect her to respect her fatherââ¬â¢s decision have turned her into an old maiden. Still, she opens up a little when she had China-painting lessons and became romantically involved with Homer. Emily shows her indepen dence after her father
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Multi Media buy Rationale Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Multi Media buy Rationale - Essay Example Each medium had a budget of $214,000 for April, giving a total of $642,000. During the months of May and June, each had a budget of $143,000 giving a total of $429,000. This gives a total budget of $1,500,000. Tactics for Magazines: The MNI networks for the different packages are presented below, with their respective median age, female % and median HHI. It was concluded from the tables that female population played a big role in these magazines. The Ad Size of these magazines was full page, full colors were used to design their pages. According to the budget and calculations, it was concluded that the magazines to be included in the April budget were: Beauty, Style&Design, Family, Healthy Living, Luxury and Entertainment. The magazines to be included in the May and June budget were Beauty, Style&Design, Family and Healthy Living. The Weekly Broadcast TV Expenditures are shown in the table below. Most of the budget goes to the prime day time. For the introductory period (April), the Net budget per week was $53,500 and the Gross budget per week was $62,943. For the Sustaining period (May & June) the Net budget per week was $31,778 and the Gross budget per week was $37,387. April had 36 spots per week, consuming $59,760 from the April gross weekly budget. The sustaining period of May and June had 22 spots per week, consuming a total of $33,200 from the gross weekly
Friday, August 23, 2019
Critically consider the role of insurance law and practice in the Essay - 1
Critically consider the role of insurance law and practice in the regulation of international business transactions - Essay Example However, this investigation identifies the implication of such other dissimilarities; in which some are genuine, financial and social while others pertain to areas of the law diverse with contract law, especially to commonsensical regulation besides taxation. These dissimilarities comprise of: knowing your customer, language, consideration for the real risk suggested for cover, culture, plus prospects of the native policyholder, the prerequisite to handle local claims, the procedure and occurrence of scams, tax law environment, labor law environment, the lawful, monitoring and managerial environment, and international compensation options. This paper draws its arguments on expert knowledge and know-how by referring to statistical data except where unambiguously stated. Insurance is a universally known model that pronounces the act of protecting against risk that may befall the insured. The individual in quest of an insurance policy is called the insured while the firm that receives the insurance premium from the individual to cover a risk is referred to as the insurer. The price is referred to as an insurance premium which can be used by the insured to cover many risks. Insurance reinforces a healthy and successful society, empowering businesses and people to safeguard themselves against risk1. It is is not only essential for a distinct customer or entrepreneur but also has implications for the general economy, reinstating businesses to better conditions after natural catastrophes such as hurricanes and floods. In addition, insurance products and services are also vital in international business. Insurance undertakings include insurance, reinsurance and coinsurance, in addition to undertakings unswervingly related to insurance. These undertakings of insurance are well-thought-out to include insurance contracts, implementing insurance contract requirements and going through the procedures for prevention and reducing the risks involved
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Illinois Program Plan on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Essay Example for Free
Illinois Program Plan on Alcohol and Drug Abuse Essay The government of Illinois is aware of the drug and alcohol addiction on its almost 2 million residents. Abuse of alcohol and drugs may lead to addiction which is hard to control. ââ¬Å"The human suffering and social and economic loss caused by the illness of alcoholism, addiction to controlled substances, the use of cannabis, and the abuse and misuse of alcohol and other drugs are matters of grave concern to the people of the State of Illinoisâ⬠(2003). The government of Illinois invests on their person that is why they have the great effort to provide the best services as possible to its people. Alcohol and drug addiction if not prevented might cause your life in danger. Government efforts to support families in strengthening their relationship to each other would become a good avoidance. So as the Illinois government created one of its largest agencies such as the Department of Human Services (DHS). The DHS supports Illinoisans to become self-sufficient to live the life to the fullest. Being self-sufficient means Under DHS there are several programs like Alcoholism and Addiction, cash services for the people who are financially in need, child care, customer services, disability and rehabilitation, health and medical, housing, assistance for the victims of violence and abuse, parenting and youth services. ââ¬Å"The Division of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (DASA) under the Department of Human Services consist of operational Offices/Bureaus designed to reflect their mission and planning goals and objectives. Primary responsibilities are to develop, maintain, monitor and evaluate a statewide treatment delivery system designed to provide screening, assessment, customer-treatment matching, referral, intervention, treatment and continuing care services for indigents alcohol and drug abuse and dependency problemsâ⬠(Illinois Department of Human Services, 1999). There are different services offered under DASA such as Case Management which is the provision, coordination, or arrangement of additional services. Another is the Community Intervention is provided within the community and focus on the community and its residents. The HIV Testing and Counseling is to identify and provide early intervention for persons who are at risk of becoming infected or who have become infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Intensive Outpatient Services are clinical services that include individual, group and family counseling and patient education. The DASA Early Intervention is pre-treatment services for individuals whose problems appear to be related to substance abuse but do not meet any diagnostic criteria. Residential Rehabilitation provides clinical and treatment rehabilitation services 24 hours a day. And Detoxification provides immediate and short-term clinical support for persons in the withdrawal process. The intention of toxicology services is to analysis urine, blood, or saliva to determine the presence of alcohol and / or other drugs in clients who receive treatment or intervention services. (Illinois Department of Human Services, 1997) According to the Illinois Substance Abuse Plan (2003) The functions of DASA is to design a comprehensive services to carry out in the whole state to prevent drug abuse and design an accessible treatment and rehabilitation needed by the individuals positive on its usage (p. ). The strategy on all state agencies must be coordinated to make one strategy applicable to their residents as a response to their mutual goals as provider of prevention, treatment and support. DASA acts as the stateââ¬â¢s premier provider of rehabilitation and treatment of drug dependents in order to monitor any institutions/establishments and to prevent unreliable providers. These providers are private individuals or institutions rendering alcohol and drug treatment and rehabilitation. They should be accredited by DASA and abide by the rules and regulations. The organization of each institution (provider) must have a good management system that rewards their staffs or employees for rendering good service. DASA encourage, develop, and implement practices that help provider institutions to develop competencies within their workforce to collaborate with researchers, influence research designs, and support internal utilization of quality research within the organization. At this cause, each employee will encourage to do good outputs in their work. In the long run, provider institutions will become stable and efficient. These policies on providers make them more standardize and reliable institution for treatment and rehabilitation. Providers also make the treatment and rehabilitation accessible in all area around the state of Illinois. Individual providers should undergo training in DASA to become competent in the workforce. DASA also have standard training program for providers to increase their knowledge and skills. The people addicted to drugs and alcohol may experience discrimination and isolation to the community. The state government encourages respect for their rights as a person who is just in need of understanding and support. These government efforts reflected on their different services. The agency aims to treat the person addicted to alcohol or drugs not to separate or punish them from the deeds that they had. The program plan provided a system responsive to the needs of its recipients and prioritizes the elimination of the gaps between the needs and available resources. Resources must be well allocated to enhance services and secure its future use. The agency use 5 year program plan from 2003-2007 to comply with the National Treatment Plan of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT). They developed the plan entitled the Bridging the Illinois Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment Gap for Alcoholism and Other Drug Addiction Services Plan. The department formed different work groups supported by different members of the Subcommittee such as the Reducing Stigma and Changing Attitudes, Reducing the Gap in Services, Workforce Development, Connecting Services and Research, Accountability. Work groups are intended to evaluate and address issues in their particular area that will be used to improve objectives and goals for the program. Work groups are not just intended to evaluate the outcome of the existing plan but to develop the next implementation plan of the department. The state government wanted inform the people on the availability of different programs and seeks public understanding. Informing the people about their situation is the best preventive measure; the program used questionnaires and tools for evaluation and implementation of the plan. There is an appendix attached contained questionnaires for identifying if one person is light, moderate or heavy drinkers. These tools help the people to assess themselves in terms of the usage of alcohol and realize how much money they wasted for alcohols. The plan also introduced ââ¬Å"Spending Calculatorsâ⬠for the individual to realize how much money they spend for alcohol use. ââ¬Å"Create active linkages with a variety of agencies, organizations, communities and consumers around Illinois to focus on relevant knowledge developmentâ⬠(Illinois Substance Abuse Plan, 2003, p. ). These evaluation tools are definitely used by the agency for research purposes. Research will tell the agency if the services are still effective and efficient. If not they take developmental plans to improve services. Research will tell the agency how many people affected or addicted with alcohol or any substance. Whatever causes of alcohol or substance addiction may lead to family problems, ga ngs, lack of education and many alarming issues concerning the development of one person. It is a crucial situation to any parents if their child is positive to alcohol and drug addiction. If one of these appeared then the agency must strengthen their program on that particular aspect because all of these aspects influence the behaviour and character of the individual and it is interconnected to one another. It is also important for the agency to know what are the needs of the people addicted to alcohol and substance because the program for treatment and rehabilitation will depend on the needs of its recipients. The present findings will determine if the program plan is effective or not. If it is not then the agency will use the research findings and outcomes to develop the next program plan not only for the alcohol and drug abuse program but as well as on the other programs. Outcome evaluations is very important because the agency wanted not only to produce program plan but this will guide them in providing good and appropriate services for the people. Technology nowadays is present in our society and it is rapidly advancing. Technology became part of every personââ¬â¢s lives; it became our necessity and way of life. People become dependent on technology because this will not waste their time, effort and money. Almost all people have mobile phones, computers at home with internet access. This technological advantage will greatly help the agency in implementing their program. This is the easiest, fastest and non-expensive way to inform the people of the different services and most importantly to get evaluation outcomes needed for development. I must say that the agency uses the easiest, fastest and less expensive means to get evaluation outcomes. This is more comfortable for the agency because they will no longer have to do the door to door method and also for the respondents not to become disturb and if necessary they will participate anytime they want to. But this would become useless if the agency will just post evaluation tools in their website. They must find other way where to post these tools. Like for example posting it on different popular websites visited by a lot of people. Or they may even simultaneously require people to answer their evaluation tools right after they voted during state elections. The agency would enable many internet users to visit the website if it is accessible and user-friendly. Design or make the webpage more accessible to any kind of people whether adults, youth, children or even to those people that has physical disabilities. Create a good navigation in designing websites because this will surely become more usable and accessible. Technologies are essential in todayââ¬â¢s society but we must still monitor the accuracy and efficiency of it. Maintaining the website is not that expensive if the agency has an in-charge group in doing maintenance. Research would become accurate if the tools used are efficient so it doesnââ¬â¢t matter how advance it was the most important is that the evaluation tools will answer the program objectives.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
What do you see as Dickens social aims Essay Example for Free
What do you see as Dickens social aims Essay This is when the ghost is hinting at Scrooges living relative that Scrooge should also show love to. Scrooge then becomes uneasy and Dickens using a style of writing known as Stichomythic this is due to the shortness of Scrooges reply because he is thinking of how he has mistreated his nephew. You can see changes of Scrooge during this scene as he compliments his dead sister and he starts to think about his nephew in a good way also Scrooge starts to feel sorry for the poor, you can see this when he quotes; There was a boy singing a Christmas Carol at my door last night. I should have liked to have given him something thats all. This is the biggest change so far as it illustrates to the reader that Scrooge is beginning to feel sympathy which is a first for him in the novel. The second of the three spirits is described by what it wore and this was a green robe which is the original colour of Christmas, the spirit was very cheerful and warm as he has Sparkling eyes and Cheery voice. The spirit was also surrounded with items that are significantly related to Christmas, Holly, mistletoe, red berries, ivy, and turkeys. This is to try and help Scrooge relate to Christmas as he never has before. The ghost of Christmas present takes Scrooge to the Cratchit household so Scrooge can observe a happy family enjoying their annual Christmas dinner. Everything in the Cratchit family household is to do with the contrast symbolism of Scrooge therefore warmth and light. The first change during this scene is he feels sympathy and concern about the life of Tiny Tim. You can see this when Scrooge asks the spirit Tell me if Tiny Tim will live. Also when Scrooge quotes; Oh no, kind spirit! Say he will be spared. This is a major change as Scrooge is now starting to show care for others. The spirit replies to this; If these shadows remain unaltered by the future, none other of my race will find him here. What then? If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population. Subsequent to hearing his own words quoted back to him Scrooge hangs is head in shame and realizes how harsh his own words had sounded, Scrooge now knows that if he does not change his ways Tiny Tim will die, Scrooge is now overcome with Penitence and Grief. This is also a change as this is a first for the reader to witness this. During this scene Scrooge also realizes how awful employer he is to Bob Cratchit, when Bob tries to raise a toast to Mr. Scrooge and Mrs. Cratchit replies; It should be Christmas Day, I am sure, on which one drinks the health of such an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge. You know he is Robert! Nobody knows it better than you do, poor fellow! This makes Scrooge think about how he treats Bob Crathit and how underpaid his clerk is for what he does. Dickens also describes Scrooge as the Ogre of the family which cast a dark shadow over the party this is relating to the symbolism of Darkness that Scrooge possess. The last of the three spirits is very dark and seems to symbolize death as it is described by dickens; the Phantom slowly, gravely, silently, approached. It was shrouded in a deep black garment which concealed its head, its face. It would be difficult to detach this figure from the night or separate it from darkness In this description the words gloom and gravely are related to death. The other words suggest mystery, fear and symbolism of darkness, which at the start of the novel was one symbol that was related to Scrooge. Scrooge shows a vast amount of terror in the presence of this spirit; Filled him with a solemn dread, His legs trembled beneath him also the fact that this Phantom is silent and communicates with Scrooge simply through hand gestures which is normally pointing. Scrooge is listening in on a conversation between a small group of business men about a death that has taken place some quotes from the conversation explain just how untouched everyone is about this death; I thought hed never die. What has he done with the money He hasnt left it to me. This pleasantry was received with a general laugh. Its likely to be a very cheap funeral. For upon my life I dont know of anybody to go to it. From these quotes the reader can immediately distinguish that these men are talking about the death of Mr. Scrooge, but as Dickens describes him Scrooge is ignorant therefore Scrooge will not accept or believe that these people are talking about himself. Due to this the Spirit guides Scrooge to a graveyard. When the spirit points to a particular grave before Scrooge lays his eyes upon it he begins to realize it was him that the people were talking about and this is clear from the question he asks the Phantom; Before I draw nearer to that stone to which you point. Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they the shadows of the things that May be, only? Scrooge saw the name EBENEZER SCROOGE Scrooge now is made to believe that he was the man that when he died nobody was affected and suddenly the ignorance vanished and he swears to change; I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. The spirits of all three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach me. This is Scrooges guarantee to change and never to change back to the ignorant, selfish, dreadful person that he once was. Scrooge stuck to his word he had changed, he is a complete contrast of what he once was and from the start of the last stave this is lucid; I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a school-boy. I am as giddy as a drunken man. In each one of these similes there is a contrast of symbolism to what Scrooge was at the start of the novel. Feather is soft. Angel is light. Merry school boy or Giddy drunken man is warm. It is also clear that he is kind as he increases the wage of his maid and his clerk Mr. Bob Cratchit. A key incident within the novel illustrates what Dickens wants to alleviate this is the scene when the two children immerge from the second spirits cloak; This boy is ignorance. This girl is want. Beware of them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware of this boy, for on his brow I see written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. This is saying that Dickens think that we need to educate the poor to stop their ignorance and that the poor can help themselves, but when the rich are wilfully ignorant we need to help them to stop so that they can help change things to create a better world for everyone. Dickens novel produced some immediate effects and the poor were treated better by those who read the novel. Due to Scrooge changing throughout the novel from one extreme (hard, cold and dark) to another (soft, warm and light) it persuaded people who could relate to Scrooge in some way that they could do the same.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Advertisements Of Business And Politics In An Semiotic Analysis Advertising Essay
The Advertisements Of Business And Politics In An Semiotic Analysis Advertising Essay Every day when we wake up in the morning, we hear or see an advertisement almost anywhere and anytime; at home, on way to school or work and even we can find an advertisement when we are standing in bathroom queue in cinema. Advertisements come in different forms and shapes but all of them have the same purpose and that is to convince their audience to buy a product or to use a service that the company has to offer. Nevertheless, the key to a successful advertisement lies within the Semiotics which in simpler words means the study of signs (Chandler 2008: 2). The goal of this paper is to provide a semiotic analysis of advertisements in the fields of business and politics. In the business section, logos of famous companies such as Adidas and Dior will be discussed. Then, in the political section, we will take a look at the recent presidential election in Iran and parliament election in Sweden. Beasley and Danesi defined advertisement as: à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ any type or form of public announcement intended to direct peoples attention to the availability, qualities, and/or cost of specific commodities or services. (Beasley Danesi 2002: 1). The most common types of advertising come in forms of print (newspaper, magazines, brochures, fliers), outdoor (billboard, kiosks) and broadcast (TV, radio) which you see them every day and to some extent they have become a part of our daily life. Advertisers use different kinds of codes to draw attention of audience to their products, but mainly they focus on social codes more than the other ones. Another important factor in advertising is to present things according to the gender and age of their target group, because a 5 year old child will not respond to an advertisement the same as a 30 year old man. Maybe now you can see that why people call it Advertising Industry, because it takes more than one man or woman to do the whole job. A grou p of experts in different fields come together and essence of their ideas will become an advertisement which either will succeed or fail. Examples All the big companies try to pick logos and mottos which represent their companys field of work and at the same time they (advertisers) try to make it simple and understandable for almost everyone. There are always different signifiers in logos and other types of advertising. For instance, the German company of Adidas Group which is famous for its sports and clothing goods has a simple, but at the same time meaningful logo and motto. It is also worth to mention that Adidas was picked after Adolf Dassler nickname (Adi Dassler). The companys logo can be discussed in three different aspects; shape, color and font. First, the Three-Stripe brand mark became the Adidas worldwide logo in 1996. Before that the logo looked like a Trefoil which its three leaves symbolized the Olympic spirit. However, one can still find a resemblance between old and new logos. The Three-Stripe logo is also associated with a mountain-like figure especially for those who are living in Alps areas. The spaces between the lines could be assumed as the steps that one should take to reach the top and achieve greatness. Nowadays, the trefoil logo is associated with Adidas classic designs, so we can see that time has changed the association between the logo and its meaning among people. Second, the color black has good and bad connotations but among athletes and especially young ones. Black color suggests the idea of being serious, elegant and sophisticated and it is an inspirational motif for them. Finally, the font in the logo is designed by ITC Avant Garde which is both a pioneer and a well-known company in its own field. The Adidas font like the rest of other fonts designed by company is simple and also formal which gives a special simplicity to the logo. The Adidas Company like its logo has always tried to design simple but catchy goods and we must say that they were successful. It has always been said: the simpler, the better. Another interesting aspect of advertising by the Adidas Company is their motto impossible is nothing. Stanley Fish believed that it is impossible to mean the same thing in two (or more) different ways (Chandler 2008: 123), this quote gives us the reason why Adidas did not chose a different word order for their motto. Instead of impossible is nothing they could have said everything is possible or nothing is impossible, but would it have the same effect? The answer is simply NO. Using double negative in the motto intensifies the meaning; you can do whatever you want if you have the right equipment, which is Adidas. In addition, according to markedness theory, one can say that impossible is nothing is more marked than the other forms, but we should keep in mind that they are different phrases according to their word order and will not have the same meaning or effect. Next advertisement that is going to be analyzed is Jadore perfume from the Dior Company. In this advertisement film, which Charlize Theron stars in it, variety of signifiers and codes have been used to illustrate prestige and excellence of the Diors products. The clip starts by Charlize Theron walking from a room to another one, which from the settings you can guess it is happening in a castle or a very luxurious house. She is wearing a beautiful night gown which goes well with her setting and we would say that she belongs to upper social class. Then, she starts taking hear jewelries off and after that she takes her night gown off. And, while she is taking her jewelries and clothes off there is light music in the background and she says: Gold is cold, diamonds are dead, limousine isnt a car, dont pretend, feel whats real, Jadore, Dior And, the clip ends by a back naked shot of Charlize Theron in a way that looks like the bottle of the perfume. The advertiser has used power of images and words together and made a powerful combination in which lack of any of them would have changed the message that wanted to be conveyed. There are lots of connotations in what Charlize Theron says during the advertisement clip. The denotation meaning of Gold is: a yellow malleable ductile metallic element that occurs chiefly free or in a few minerals and is used especially in coins, jewelry, and dentures (Merriam-Webster Dictionary), but connotation meaning is something valued and fine in its own kind. And, the same thing is true for connotation meaning f diamond; something which is exotic and scarce or Limousine, something which is luxurious and fancy. Advertiser is using both connotation and denotation meanings to say that if you wear Jadore perfume then you are valuable, exotic and luxurious. Also, the advertisement wants to say, maybe you do not have gold, diamonds or limousine car but they things which are not real and they are just for showing off but if you want to stand out and be unique use Jadore. No doubt, Charlize Therons appearance in this advertisement plays an important role. First of all, she is a famous actress who is known for her beauty and she is said to be an icon in her career, therefore, one would quickly assume that this advertisement has something to do with women. This assumption happens because of mass media codes; it is not common that a woman advertises men products especially when the advertisement is about colognes or perfumes. Additionally, Therone is living in the USA but she is originally from South Africa which is a symbol of an exotic land and precious stones such as diamonds. Also, Charilze Theron age might be related to the idea that this kind of perfume suits women not girls, experts in perfume industry also suggest that ideal age for this perfume is between 30 and 45 years old. Lastly, the bottle of perfume represents all the aspects that were mentioned above. The bottle looks like a woman and also you can find the gold and white colors which are related to what Throne says during the advertisement. After discussing about advertising in the business field now it is time to focus on all time controversial subject of politics, and the strategies politicians and their campaign teams use in their advertisements to gain more vote in order find their way to a position in their government system. Advertising plays an important role for political candidates, especially presidential candidates, because advertisement come in different forms and people can have access to them easily anywhere and anytime. The more candidates give information about them and present transparent and precise programs for future the voters are willing more to vote for them. The candidates are aware of this fact and they use a very powerful tool called advertisement to reach their goal. In Irans recent so called fraud-free presidential election a new school of thought was born which is called Green Movement. The leader of this movement, Mir-Hossein Mosavi, chose the green color as a symbol for his campaign which mostly won the attention of the younger generation in Iran. Choosing the green color shows the intelligence and intention of those people who were in charge of Mosavis advertising campaigns, they had a bigger thought in their mind rather than just simply choosing a color for the party; in Iran the green color is a symbol of different things such as a new life, being religious and holy and being fresh, so it gives the idea that they must be different from the other ones. Also, the Green Movement was able to unify its supporters successfully by this simple act. However, when election result was revealed and Ahmadinejad was announced as the president for second time green color found a new meaning among Iranians. The green color now has become of a symbol of freedom and resistance among Iranians and they try to send this message to other parts of the world to show that they are not like Ahmadinejad and his supporters who have been running the country for a long time. Nowadays, their supporters by only spraying a big green V on the walls of the city show that they are still out there even though the government has been suppressing them in violent ways. Green color now has new meanings among Iranian people one of which might be a civil disobedience. So, clearly we can see that first there was an intention behind all these matters and now they way Iranians interpret the green color is different from the way it meant to Iranians before presidential election. The final advertisement that I want to talk about is the ad which was made by Sverigedemokraterna (far right party) in Sweden during their recent parliament election which was controversial in its own kind. Sverigedemokraterna is known as a fascist party and they are strongly against immigration. They presented their views clearly in their ads using lots of codes and symbols which can be found all over the clip. In this particular ad, it has been shown that a man and a woman are sitting behind their desk while counting the money using the machine. On one side of the table where there is more money it is written immigration officer and on the other side which there is no money it is written pensions officer. Then, the alarm goes off and two red handles are hung from the ceiling, on one of them it is written immigration and the other one pensions. After that there is an old lady who is using a walker in doing her best to get to the handle, while a group of women wearing black veil and borqa are running faster than her to get to the other handle. The first thing that draws attention to itself in this ad is the dark setting that is symbol of bad situation in Sweden. And, the red handles along with the siren sound means that there is emergency situation and something had to be done immediately. Women who are wearing veil and borqa symbolize all the immigrants in Sweden, particularly Muslims. The old lady in the clip symbolizes the hard working Swedes who have paid their taxes and when they want to get their pension now they fall behind because of the immigrants. In this ad the advertiser focused more on social codes (bodily codes and commodity codes) which exist in Sweden. Nevertheless, the discrimination factor is very vivid the distance between the handles and the space between the old Swedish woman and the women who are dressed in black. The general message of this ad is to say, stop immigration or it will be at the expense of the real Swedes. Conclusion To sum up, we are living in a world full of signs and codes. People use them for different purposes, whether they are good or bad. By using your mind, you can find all signs and decipher all codes and make a right decision.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Canterbury Tales - Wife of Bath :: essays papers
Canterbury Tales - Wife of Bath ââ¬Å"The Prologue to the Canterbury Talesâ⬠had numerous unique characters, but the Wife of Bath struck me as the most interesting personality. Through the narratorââ¬â¢s use of direct and indirect characterization, significant details, and motivations for actions I was able to analyze the distinct traits of ââ¬Å"the worthy woman from beside Bath city.â⬠The narrator was very successful in portraying the wife. The wealth of the wife was distinct. ââ¬Å"Her hose of finest scarlet redâ⬠shows the fortune she possesses. The wife also had enough fortune to travel to the most important shrines in Italy, France, Spain, and Germany. The narratorââ¬â¢s described her appearance well. ââ¬Å"Bold was her face, handsome, and red in hueâ⬠allows the reader to picture the wife as an attractive woman of her time. The middle-aged woman had impressive large hips and ââ¬Å"gap-teethâ⬠which express lust. Her corpulent figure was a very favorable aspect of the time; it indicated wealth and beauty. ââ¬Å"Sheââ¬â¢d had five husbands, all at the Church doorâ⬠allows the reader to grasp much about the wife. Having five husbands shows that she is sociable and interested in love and marriage. Her experiences with marriage allow her to be very knowledgeable of love, which is ââ¬Å"an art in which she knew the oldest dances.â⬠ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ All at the Church doorâ⬠shows her devotion to tradition and her faith. Her dedication to the Catholic Church and the forbidding Church rules of the time, allow the reader to infer she did not divorce her husbands. Therefore, all of her husbands passed away, which allows us to conclude she may have married older men. This wealthy world-traveler, on a pilgrimage to Canterbury, is not motivated by her faith as she travels on this mediocre trip.
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